How do I get started with Design Services?
What’s the Process?

  • You can find the design inquiry form by clicking on the “Let’s Get Started” button in the upper right corner of each page of this website. This form gives me an introduction to what you are looking for.

  • The Discovery Call allows me to learn more details about your project. It is when we will discuss logistics which includes the scope of your project, timeline, budget, and services needed.

    I’ll review your Design Inquiry form and get back to you within 48 hours. I will send you a link to schedule the Discovery Call. If we’re a good fit, I’ll put together a proposal and formal agreement.

  • Once the agreement has been signed and you’ve paid the 50% deposit, we can begin.

  • The Brand Consultation—This is the phase where I meet with you and learn more about your business or product. I begin by collecting information through a brand questionnaire to get a deeper understanding of your business or product and to understand the needs of your client or customer. I research your industry and competitors, then synthesize my knowledge of your business or product and write up a design brief.

    Defining the Brand —Next, we meet virtually—or by phone—to discuss the design brief, which is a summarized document of my understanding of your business or product. This phase defines the strategy and helps to ensure we are aligned before moving forward to the rest of the design process. We clear up any core problems, prioritizing needs. Then, we move to the next phase of the process—ideation.

    Ideate — In this phase, we are moving more into exploring ideas. This is where I brainstorm ideas through sketches and search for alternative solutions. I then curate a Pinterest or pdf mood board that is a visual guide of inspiration for the concepts. This is another point for ensuring we are aligned with your brand vision in preparation for building a prototype of your brand identity.

    Present — I will present concepts for your logo and brand identity, or packaging, including colors, patterns, textures, etc., depending on the needs of your brand. It is at this phase that we discuss the different options and identify the best solution to move forward.

  • At this step, you will share the design and rationale and gather feedback from your key stakeholders. Collect and provide feedback to me.

    We will work on finalizing any revisions/edits.

  • Once you are satisfied with your design and provide approval, the final artwork is packaged, and files are delivered to you or your vendor.