Getz Theater Center brochure


The Getz Theater Center, Columbia College Chicago’s theater headquarters, was newly renovated in 2018. With “four professional-quality stages, a state-of-the-art scene shop, stocked costume shop, and dedicated makeup/prosthetics and lighting labs,” this historic building attracts performances throughout the community.


To create a brochure that highlights the facilities of the center for prospective Columbia theater students while also connecting to local theater enthusiasts.


Created a brochure that highlights the state-of-the-art facilities that may be used to house theatrical performances by a broader theater community while using Columbia college students and images from student performances; Worked with a Communications manager for copy and the theater department to gather photos from photographers who photographed a variety of past performances. The layout was constructed with light-hearted “directing” elements to create a sense of movement and performance.


A multi-page brochure that introduced theater students and community theater enthusiasts to a variety of craft and stage experiences.

Take in a performance, or just learn more about the Getz Theater Center.


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